Out of the new lines announced by Seoul city two years ago*, only Seobuseon managed to maintain some momentum a couple of months later**. Work will start by the end of this year, but only for the section South of the Han River ("Sillim Line"). As usual, money flows more easily on the gangnam side.
Well now it seems that Seoul City and the Korean government are reaching an agreement, and that all 10 LRT projects could be actually built by 2025, adding 89 km to a 327 km network.
Too good to be true?
I mean both miracles: politicians reaching across the aisle and subway lines stretching over parts of the city that most need them.
Seoul Village 2015
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* see "Seoul LRT Projects Update (Part 1/2)" and "Seoul LRT Projects Update (Part 2/2)" (following "If you ain't broke, fix it: Seoul, Welfare and Railways Deficits")
** see "Seobu Line confirmed as Seoul's LRT top priority"