Friday, October 15, 2010

SGBSC + KBC : small business & big party

If anyone doubted about the vitality of Seoul's international small business ecosystem and the importance of addressing its specific needs, yesterday's networking event at Min's Club gave the ultimate proof : more than two hundred people buzzed under a delicious night (and next to delicious refreshments) before swarming across the old Insadong residence, trading cards and sharing projects.

"An Evening of New Traditions" was hosted by Seoul Global Business Support Center and Korea Business Central, themselves two booming start-ups :
the Seoul Global Center COEX unit opened earlier this year, and Steven S. Bammel's founded his community only one year ago.

I was already impressed by the turnout at KBC's first networking event last June, but the SGBSC clearly brought another dimension (and not only for the shift from "All That Beer" to "all that champagne" !). Seoul Business Agency aims at two events per year, targetting an attendance even 3 times bigger next time. The venue ? The National Museum of Korea.

After all, small business is a national cause, and small businesses deserve a right to think big.

Seoul Village 2010

Seoul Global Business Support Center :
Korea Business Central :


ADDENDUM 20101108 (video of the event, from

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