Monday, August 2, 2010

Business Start-up School - 3rd Session (September)

After the March-April 2010 and June 2010 editions, the Seoul Global Center Business Start-up School is back ! About the event :
Seoul Global Center Business Team welcomes expats to the 3rd session of our Business Start-up School. Together with a business counseling service, this program will offer expats in Seoul a chance to learn from helpful courses and network with colleagues, to make their business bigger and better. (※ The Business Start-up School is a free program run by the Seoul Metropolitan Government) General Information · Who: Future Entrepreneurs (International Residents in Seoul) · When: Monday, September 13, 2010 ~ Friday, October 1, 2010 · Where: Seoul Global Center - Seminar Room (5F, Press Center Bldg.) Course & Instructors Description · Basic course: 10 courses, 20 hours · Instructors: Nationals and International experts in the field of Foreign Direct Investment (KOTRA, Seoul Development Institute, Small and Medium Business- Administration, SBA Business Support Center, Korea Development Institute etc...) Selection · 20 students will be selected · Business Plan Reviewing - Candidates with business ideas that have a higher chance of success and show other established readiness (interest, knowledge, etc.) will be selected first - Successful candidates will demonstrate an established capacity to start a business (capital, experience, qualifications)
=> Download application form For more information and updates, contact 'Eva': 02-2075-4139 / More about Seoul Global Center services : - on their website ( - on Seoul Village (including this focus : "Invest in Seoul, Seoul is already investing in you !") Seoul Village 2010

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