Monday, February 17, 2014

Parking Chance, The App

This is not about PARKing CHANce, the Park brothers venture (by the way, "Bitter, Sweet Seoul" passed the 10,000 views mark only yesterday - what have you guys been doing instead of watching it?), but about actual parking spots across Seoul.

From today on, Seoul Metropolitan Government is offering for free its parking app: 주차정보안내서비스 (서울주차정보 for short on Google Play) delivers key data sets for over 2,000 parking lots: location, contact, capacity, rates, and sometimes even photos. Don't expect real time info about availabilities at this stage, but that's a start.

Download the app (e.g. for Android, here) and check available spots

The web version:  (on your mobile:
The service is also available on major navigation systems, and who knows, non-Korean third parties such as could be interested.

Of course, Seoul's future belongs to even smarter solutions: eco-friendly public / shared transit...

Seoul Village 2014
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