Friday, October 4, 2013

Working on it

Sorry if I haven't posted much lately. I've been working on my paper about Hallyu (I'm on a panel later this month at Korea University).

And since my focus is on wave dynamics and on respecting the whole ecosystem, I had to go all the way to this remote spot in Langkawi, Malaysia:

Rare photo of the elusive Andaman Sea Monkey, here stretching its toes to mark a territory shared with - among other rare species - flying squirrels, flying lemurs, flying lizards, flying frogs, and flying snakes (NB: I didn't see any flying snakes during my stay, and the only flying frog I met was yours truly, in the A380 back home)

But even on these distant shores, I could feel the impact of the Great PSY Tsunami of 2012:

Even in , is following me. 

Seoul Village 2013
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